Volcano Analogy to Explain TRIGGERS

One day I was SUPER triggered. I was grumpy and set off by the littlest of things. I took a huge exhale and explained, “Mommy is like a volcano, right now my lava feels like it's right here and it might EXPLODE.”

My kids were receptive to it immediately. In fact, a few days into using it my daughter started using it herself (see hilarious video here). I had to share! The post took off and has resonated with so many people. I have seen just this short analogy help so many families.

One family said, “I took something away, and [my daughter] ran to the couch, sang a song, and then came back to me and said "mom, it worked! My lava was about to explode, but I calmed it down." Life Saving tip!!!”

Read through the analogy and then use it as a script to teach your kids about your volcano and their own volcanos.

“Pretend mom is a volcano. And there's lava inside of me.

When the lava gets to the top, my volcano EXPLODES

Lots of loud noises and screaming makes my lava go up up up.

When I feel angry, or something scary happens. The lava goes up.

When I take a big deep breath, or take a break or get a nice hug the lava goes down

There's lava inside of you too.

And when you keep going when you're upset, it explodes.

But when we stop and breathe, the lava goes down.

Let's breathe together

Ah, that feels so much better. My lava came down.”

I've since used this analogy every day to help my kids and myself come back to calm in moments we'd usually EXPLODE.