Come Follow Me "Remodel"

As we are studying the New Testament as a family this year... we were struggling to "get to it" each week. I realized we were complicating it. Having to gather materials, bring them all downstairs... sit in a circle and make it work with dad's work …

As we are studying the New Testament as a family this year... we were struggling to "get to it" each week. I realized we were complicating it. Having to gather materials, bring them all downstairs... sit in a circle and make it work with dad's work schedule.

A simple "remodel" to the kitchen has made come follow me accessible, simple and integrated into our everyday life.

Our prophet promises, "The new home-centered, Church-supported integrated curriculum has the potential to unleash the power of families, as each family follows through conscientiously and carefully to transform their home into a sanctuary of faith. I promise that as you diligently work to remodel your home into a center of gospel learning, over time your Sabbath days will truly be a delight. Your children will be excited to learn and to live the Savior’s teachings, and the influence of the adversary in your life and in your home will decrease. Changes in your family will be dramatic and sustaining."

I can't think of anything better than light and peace and love through Christ while raising our innocent children in such an evil world.

As I reread the quote, I knew it was time to literally “remodel“ my home. And create a hub for our Come Follow Me studies.


Basket on the table holds

Bulletin Board

  • Weekly Readings for the Month

  • Temple Heading (to write next temple visit)

  • Service Heading (to write service focus)

  • Lesson Plan from

  • Pictures of Lesson topic and Jesus printed or taken from Ensign

Clothespin String

  • Activities from past weeks hung up as reminders

Come Follow Me Reflection Board from

It was a simple, but very impactful transformation in my kitchen.

As we are studying the New Testament as a family this year... we were struggling to "get to it" each week. I realized we were complicating it. Having to gather materials, bring them all downstairs... sit in a circle and make it work with dad's work …
As we are studying the New Testament as a family this year... we were struggling to "get to it" each week. I realized we were complicating it. Having to gather materials, bring them all downstairs... sit in a circle and make it work with dad's work …
As we are studying the New Testament as a family this year... we were struggling to "get to it" each week. I realized we were complicating it. Having to gather materials, bring them all downstairs... sit in a circle and make it work with dad's work …
As we are studying the New Testament as a family this year... we were struggling to "get to it" each week. I realized we were complicating it. Having to gather materials, bring them all downstairs... sit in a circle and make it work with dad's work …
As we are studying the New Testament as a family this year... we were struggling to "get to it" each week. I realized we were complicating it. Having to gather materials, bring them all downstairs... sit in a circle and make it work with dad's work …

Lauren Pace, MS | Come Follow Me FHE | Parent Behavior Coach | Latter-Day Saint Blog