Posts tagged parent in christ
Listening: Help our Children LISTEN without force

Do your kids ever fight cleaning up their toys? Run away in the store? Jump on the couch or hit their friends over and over? When will it click? When will they just listen?

We will talk about strategies to teach children to choose to listen and prevent negative responses, followed by effective consequences when not listening is NOT an option.

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DIY "figurines" | Christ-Centered Environment

All you do is print out pictures of the things you want them to have more exposure and play with... and use packing tape to add them to their blocks or other toys. I started with pictures of his family- his grandma, my mom, the temple and a church-house. Charlie has a really hard time going to nursery. So I figured if we added the church to his play, then maybe talking about it and seeing it, driving his family to it with his wood cars would help the transition go smoother.

We pulled up to church the following Sunday. And Charlie points and says "church, church!" FIRST VICTORY. He was stoked and he labeled it correctly.

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